Facing the Challenges of Screen Time

“Please tell me what to do about my daughter’s constant use of her cell phone!” “My son throws a fit every time I tell him to get off the computer.” “How many hours a day should I let my kid be online?" Everyone working with kids and teens these days is constantly being asked the same [...]

10 Tips for Handling Holiday Stress

"Gift suggestions: To your enemy, forgiveness. To an opponent, tolerance. To a friend, your heart. To a customer, service. To all, charity. To every child, a good example. To yourself, respect." - Oren Arnold Believe it or not, the holidays rank right up there on the stress scales with asking the boss for a raise, moving, [...]

Communication: 5 Simple Tips

We're constantly shocked by just how easy it is to hurt or be hurt by our loved ones due to problems with communication. Communication is supposed to consist of both talking and listening in somewhat equal measure. But regrettably, sometimes there is one but not the other. Sound familiar? In some families, everyone seems to [...]

Beat the Back-to-School Blues: How You Can Help

A recent three-year longitudinal study confirmed what family therapists have observed clinically for decades: that patterns of family interaction have very important effects on children — both for better and for worse. Here's the bottom line: if you want your kids to succeed in school, build a stronger, more loving family. Melissa Sturge-Apple, a researcher from [...]

We are Family: Tips on Sibling Rivalry

The Gerson family overwhelms our office with noise and activity from the first moment they arrive for family therapy. The three boys, aged 7, 11, and 13, immediately begin to argue over who sits where. Pouncing on each other’s laps, they push and poke. The youngest one screams as though he’s been mortally wounded. Mom and [...]

Top 10 Summer Tips

If there were no schools to take the children away from home part of the time, the insane asylums would be filled with mothers. — Edgar W. Howe Perhaps you’ve been enjoying your summer, getting extra time to have fun with your kids without the pressure of homework and extracurricular activities. Perhaps not. Let’s face it, [...]

Who’s the Boss? How to Parent Strong-Willed Kids

Do you have to raise your voice, lecture or repeat yourself to get your kids to listen? Do your children ignore everyday requests when they just don’t feel like it? Have you tried to avoid spanking and yelling but nothing else seems to work? Are you exhausted and upset because your kids seem disrespectful, entitled or [...]

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