
Discover fun & effective tools to set limits, create family harmony
& nurture a much closer relationship
with your child, from toddlers to pre-teens.

NEW Online Course! 

Participate on your on time – at your own pace!

Millions of parents are struggling with kids who are defiant and out of control — kids who need to learn how to listen better. The good news is that there’s an effective Win-Win solution to help turn things around.  Parenting Spirited, Strong-Willed Kids – a transformational 7-module online course with Dr. Don MacMannis  – offers a concise and effective method to help kids feel good about themselves and have love and respect for others. 

NEW! Free eBook! 

Blueprint for Your Family’s New Future: 10 Keys to Happiness & Harmony 

Discover the Essential Keys to Family Success
Learn how to:
•    Identify strengths and areas for improvement
•    Overcome roadblocks to effective parenting
•    Improve your ability to set limits in caring ways
• .  Learn new ways to bring out the best
•    And much more…
Get the blueprint today! 

Free Online Event

The 4 Essential Keys to Parenting Strong-Willed Kids:
Innovative Tools for Raising Happy, Respectful Children

REGISTER NOW to view the free one-hour webinar with Dr. Mac

Discover proven and effective methods to turn things around and set limits in caring, constructive ways. Click below to register for free access to this live webinar training with Dr. Don MacMannis.

Don MacMannis, Ph.D.

I’m “Dr. Mac,” and as a psychologist I’ve had the privilege of helping thousands of kids and families over the past forty-five years. One of my main passions is to transform the latest findings from family studies and brain research into fun, powerful and effective tools for change—helping parents create healthy families. Nothing in the world warms my heart like the smiling, happy faces of folks I’ve helped, or the precious times with kids that give me the benefit of a bird’s-eye view into their little hearts and minds.

Co-author of two highly acclaimed parenting books, I am also involved in a number of creative projects for children. In addition to writing songs for television, I’ve written a play and have produced an award-winning series of over fifty songs and activities that help boost character, social and emotional skills. Throughout my endeavors, I treasure the value of humor in bringing about change!

Check Out the Book!

This book presents a concise and effective method of turning things around to create an even closer relationship with your child and set limits in a way that helps all family members.

The program outlined is the result of over 35 years of study, teaching and clinical practice. Hundreds of families with 3 to 10-year-olds have successfully used the Win-Win Way to make a shift. Parents typically report a dramatic improvement in their children’s behavior after a few weeks time.

Even though you will benefit greatly as a parent, it won’t be at your kids’ expense. With this approach, your child can wind up being happier, more loving,  have a higher self-esteem and feel less guilty and anxious. Best of all, you can have more fun together and resign, most of the time, from that role of “bad cop.”

Buy it Now
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